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Top Mounted -Magnetic Float Switch

Top Mounted -Magnetic Float Switch

JMI bring forth efficient Magnetic Float Switch for our valued clients. The Magnetic Level Switch consists of non-abrasive float carrying permanent magnet and non-ferrous stem carrying one. Two or multiple reed switches. The float glides along the stem and when the float nears the vicinity of reed switch the magnetic field of permanent magnet forces the contact to close, thereby completing the external electrical circuit. We offer Magnetic Level Switch at reasonable price.


Due to simple design, reliability and with only one moving part i.e., Magnetic float, Magnetic Level Switch finds application in various liquids where accurate and repeated liquid level control is called for.

Magnetic Level Switch is suitable for storage tanks, utility tanks, process tanks, hydraulic power pack, centralized lubrication system, fuel tanks, cooling tower, textile, pharmaceuticals and special purpose machines.

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